Creating or Importing 360-Degree Photos

Photosphere is a 360-degree panorama feature that lets you take pictures of the world around you with your phone, then share them online. With Placez, the Photosphere option allows you to present your layout within a full panoramic image of the space. By just clicking a link, your customer can literally scan the entire 360-degree view of your setup - as if he or she were actually there!

If any one dimension of your space is 100 feet (30.5 meters) or more, it is recommended you hire a professional photographer with professional 360-degree camera and tripod. For smaller spaces, a simple app can be used to take a series of multiple images in multiple circles around your space - which the app then blends into one 360-degree panoramic.

Prepare Your Space
To ready your space for a 360-degree photosphere shoot, remove any tables, chairs and other non-permanent objects. Be sure your space is fully lit with bright lights; for outside venues, take the images at midday with shadows directly below fixed objects.

See Also

Setting Up Photosphere for a Place